Issues related to race, racial tension, and racial injustice are fundamental to understanding the American story. We have an ugly past that has shaped our cultural narrative, and in many ways, it has been baked into the systems and structures of our society causing generations of non-white Americans to struggle for equality, acceptance, recognition, and representation. The struggle continues. And this struggle is often just as prevalent inside the church as outside.

Join us this week on the Page2Podcast as Greg interviews Allen Parr on issues of race in America. It’s a conversation worth overhearing between two friends who have had very different experiences because of their race but who love the church and love our country and desire to see healing as we all move forward together.

Recommended Resource

THE BEAT by Allen Parr

Special Thanks

Center for Church Renewal

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Nulla eleifend dui ut pretium porta. Duis eleifend sem dolor, ac auctor ligula vestibulum in. Mauris et tortor ultrices, posuere nulla pellentesque, interdum turpis. Aliquam felis mi, sodales viverra cursus ac, consequat vitae neque. Donec quis dui lorem. Pellentesque tellus elit, convallis id libero vel, rutrum fringilla velit. Nulla faucibus posuere molestie.

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Fusce porta pellentesque diam at luctus. Nulla at convallis lacus, sed sodales urna. Fusce a erat ipsum. Nullam pellentesque, tortor non porta vestibulum, quam magna eleifend sem, eu vulputate dui justo id est. Sed cursus nulla in mauris pulvinar, a iaculis quam sagittis. Quisque vulputate aliquet pulvinar. Suspendisse rhoncus orci et dui venenatis, vel dictum mauris imperdiet. Morbi sed bibendum turpis. Fusce eget egestas enim, aliquet placerat neque. Nulla fringilla odio non dui fringilla tempus. Integer a mollis turpis. Sed consectetur lectus eu blandit posuere. Duis at iaculis urna, in venenatis urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent blandit vel dolor vel aliquet. Integer tempus gravida nisl.

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Albert Camus